Throughout July, we are celebrating the 1 year anniversary of our delivery of the Restart Scheme! It’s been an outstanding year of exciting opportunities and life changing work, and we’re so proud to say that we have supported over 5,000 people into work in that time.

We’re putting a spotlight on some of our team members across the country, who have contributed to this fantastic figure. Jaymz Rashid is an Employment Advisor in our Exeter office.

“I started working as an Employment Advisor (EA) with Seetec Pluss in August 2021, initially on the JETS programme. I was a little nervous as I had not worked in the Employability sector since 2009, however despite my initial nervousness, I was eager to learn new skills, work as part of a team and ultimately make a difference to the lives of participants I would be working with.

“Seetec Pluss were extremely supportive, in that I disclosed from the outset that I suffered with Cerebral Palsy and used a wheelchair on a full time basis. My manager at the time, Gemma Fox, was brilliant; she made contact with me prior to my start date and ensured I was comfortable and my home set up was appropriate prior to undertaking my role. This I thought was a great personal touch and motivated me to want to excel in my role.

“During my time on the JETS programme, I transferred teams and I was delighted with the team spirit and how welcoming and supportive all my colleagues were. I felt valued throughout my time on the JETS programme and this was reinforced throughout the training period all the way through to allocation of a a caseload. The training offered to me was fantastic with mentors being friendly approachable and knowledgeable.

“In January 2022, I was offered the position of (EA) on the Restart Scheme and  considering I had enjoyed my experience of the JETS programme, I decided that I wanted to pursue this opportunity. On my first day I was delighted with how welcome I was made to feel by my colleagues in the Exeter office. I immediately felt as though I was an integral part of a team; they were my ‘Seetec work family’.

“If I had to pinpoint one of the highlights so far during my Seetec Pluss journey, I would have to say that my current colleagues have been amazing; always being on hand to provide support, answer questions and pull together to resolve issues whenever required, thus providing an excellent customer experience and maintaining office morale. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Josh, Eloise, Jade, Rachael Kimberly, two fantastic Assistant EA’s Jonathan and Katie, Carl our Employability Trainer, Sandy Hendy our Employee Account Manager, and last but by no means least, Leah Dunleavy, my fabulous Team Leader who despite being relatively new to the role, has been a breath of fresh air in that she is extremely caring, approachable, receptive to and supportive of my needs and always on hand if any support is needed. I really like how group and individual achievements are recognised and celebrated by Team Exeter.

“In summary, my Seetec Pluss journey has been stimulating and challenging, but ultimately highly rewarding and I am sure that with the continued support of an invaluable team, I will undoubtedly excel in my role as an EA. I want to work both independently and collaboratively to inspire, motivate and empower participants that I work with on a daily basis to assist them in eliminating barriers to move into and remain in sustainable employment.” #NoOneLeftBehind

The Restart Scheme is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions.

Area: Devon

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