Our ‘Work and Health Programme – Pioneer’ service is here to help you move into work as soon as possible.

We’ll start by learning all about you – your goals, your talents and what you’d like help with. Then we’ll support you to find a job that is out there waiting for you.

We’ll make sure you’re not out of pocket too and will reimburse you for any travel costs you’ve paid to get to us.

WHP Pioneer is the latest phase of the Universal Support. To find out more read here.

Download the WHP Pioneer flyer here. This information is available in a range of different formats.

Our support

Whatever you need, we’re here to help you on your journey:

Your Personal Data

Our commitment to protecting your data security

Seetec is committed to data security and the lawful , fair, and transparent processing of personal data. We will process the personal information you provide only for the purposes of joining the Work and Health Programme – Pioneer. This will include sharing your personal data with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for eligibility assessment.

Your data will be retained only for as long as necessary to complete this process, and if you decide that you no longer wish to join the programme or your referral is not approved, your data will be deleted from our systems within 30 days of notification.

We may retain anonymised data (data which cannot be associated with you) for statistical and reporting purposes.

For further information on how Seetec processes personal data, please see our privacy policy.