Motivated and ready to work?

Working Well Norfolk is here to support you on your journey!

We understand that taking those last steps into work is not always easy – particularly if you are managing a disability or health condition.

Or you may be struggling in the workplace due to your disability or health condition.

The good news is you’re not alone!

Our dedicated Employment Advisers are here to support you to return to work quickly and offer one to one advice and coaching to help you stay there!

We can also help if you are struggling in work or are at risk of losing your job.

We can support you even if you think of your health condition as relatively minor!

Our direct line: 01603 561 054

Help to find work…

Our support is individually tailored to you. We’ll help you

  • Identify your skills – Uncover your strengths to find the right job
  • Create a winning CV and prepare for interview – Help to make a great first impression
  • Connect with local employers – Meet with businesses who are looking to recruit
  • Rebuild your confidence: Boost your self-belief, resilience and wellbeing
  • Overcome challenges: Practical assistance to navigate any obstacles in your way

Once you start in work, we’ll help you settle and progress in your new role.

Already in work?

Working Well Norfolk can also help if you’re already in work and are struggling due to your disability or health condition.

We’ll provide in-work support for you and your employer to help you keep your job. For example, through arranging reasonable adjustments, flexible working or training. 

Check if Working Well Norfolk is right for you…


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Follow this link to fill out our participants form.


Are you a professional and referring on behalf of someone else?

Follow this link to fill out this form to refer a potential participant.


For employers

Employers, find out how Working Well Norfolk could help you.

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Follow this link to fill out our general interest form.

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