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A man called Joseph sitting on a bench smiling. After having his life turned upside down, the National Careers Service helped Joseph get back on his feet and discover the “New Him”.

Joseph first came to the National Careers Service – looking for advice and support – after finding his ‘world after Covid’ was very different from the one he was used to.

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Prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Joseph had attended university back home in Africa where he studied Industrial Design. This resulted in him working in the Print and Publishing industry. His last position was in an international company servicing both the UK and West Africa.

But Joseph says his life “changed forever” when the pandemic hit: “During the lockdown, I struggled! My wife passed away in the early part of it. She was one of the early victims and that really affected me.”

Joseph’s business, like so many others at that time, also suffered.

“I’d invested in so many things that were perishable, and they all went during Covid,” he says.

Moving forward

Joseph, who its 67 and now lives in Greater Manchester, made the decision to relocate to the UK to be closer to his children, and after a visit to the Job Centre in Rochdale, was referred to the National Careers Service where he met Shabaz.

A photo of the career adviser of Shabaz

Shabaz (pictured right) has been a Careers Adviser for over 20 years and was more than happy to support Joseph in taking the right steps to get back on his feet.

“Joseph came to see me, wanting advice and guidance on careers and employment, and improving his CV,” Shabaz recalls.

“He was also interested in doing some training which would develop his skills.”

Shabaz outlined some of the various options that might suit Joseph, and between them, they decided that a Skills Bootcamp could be the perfect way forward.

Joseph was signed up for two Digital Marketing courses to help give him the skills needed to enhance his job prospects. “Joseph was very happy, enthusiastic, and grateful for all the support we had given him,” Shabaz tells us.

With his new look CV and his courses near completion, Joseph agrees: “The National Careers Service were brilliant, my mindset started changing, I found the service both helpful and motivating. I was VERY impressed.”

A graphic that talks about what hope means to Joseph You’ve got to have hope

Joseph is confident that with the support he’s received from the National Careers Service, and the tools they’ve given him to help him on his career path, it won’t be long until he’s back in work.

And with renewed positivity, Joseph has adopted a new acronym: H.O.P.E: “I really did re-discover myself by believing in HOPEHappiness, Overview, Patience and Enterprise,” he explains.

“That’s how I’ve become a ‘new’ Joseph, and it’s down to the support from the National Careers Service.”

We wish Joseph the best of luck and will continue to support him on his career journey. We plan on catching up with him again soon, so watch this space for a video update of Joseph’s story.

And if you’d like more information on how we can support YOU, just give us a call on 0800 100 900 or visit our website at


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